• Mangoes. Fruits.

Dear Guest, Your Trees at Entanda are now Flowering!

Posted on Sat September 17, 2022 in Sustainable Tourism.

As part of our commitment to a better world, we ensure that all our visitors plant a tree, among other initiatives. Over the past eight years, focus has been on both fruit and medicinal trees. From the older trees, we are enjoying the fruits, and have been privileged to serve the same fruits to our guests.

As for all our visitors of 2022, there is good news! Your trees have started flowering!

Friends, here are the trees you planted at Entanda. Already flowering! For generations, these trees will give fruit to humanity, birds, and will feed insects, including bees that give us honey. They will hold the soil strong, prevent surface run off, provide  us with oxygen and swallow up all carbon emissions in our locality. Life will thrive because of these trees!

The trees will offer shed, income and a beautiful surrounding to only our people but also the visitors. In sum, you guys made a good decision to plant trees. Thank you for playing your part towards nature!

When we are all long gone from the face of the earth, these trees will continue to stand as reminders that each one of you once lived in 2022. Your legacy will continue, and nature will continue to enjoy from your generous act of protecting it! 

Further Reading

Who will Harvest Queen Elizabeth II's trees in Uganda?

If you have been to Fortportal, perhaps you have seen those magnificent tall eucalyptus trees in the Mpanga valley opposite the Toro Golf course. Those trees were planted in 1954 the very day Queen Elizabeth visited Tooro and perhaps after visiting and naming after herself Queen Elizabeth National Park.

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